"use strict";
var express = require("express"); ///////////////////////// // certificates & apps // ///////////////////////// var tls = require('tls'); var fs = require('fs');var app1 = express(); app1.all("/", function(req, res) { res.send('Hello World, site #1'); }); var app2 = express(); app2.all("/", function(req, res) { res.send('Hello World, site #2'); });
In a next step I read their SSL keys from disk (app 1&2 .key and .crt) and store them each in a literal object together with references to the 2 apps.
const site1 = { app: app1,context: tls.createCredentials({ key: fs.readFileSync('app1.key').toString(), cert: fs.readFileSync('app1.crt').toString() }).context
}; const site2 = { app: app2,context: tls.createCredentials({ key: fs.readFileSync('app2.key').toString(), cert: fs.readFileSync('app2.crt').toString() }).context
I make life easy and connect these app/ssl pairs with the domain names in an object. Easy setup / config.
var sites = { "www.site1.com": site1, "site1.com": site1, "www.site2.com": site2, "site2.com": site2
I then make a global Express app caled "exp", to which I add the domain names (in this example with and without www) and connect them to the correct apps.
If you want to test this example out, put these 4 domain names (www.)site(1/2).com in your /etc/hosts file.
//////////////////////// // Global express app // ////////////////////////var vhost = require("vhost"); var exp = express(); for (let s in sites) { console.log("add app for " + s); exp.use(vhost(s, sites[s].app)); }Finally I create a http and https server with the global Express app as request listener.
////////// // http // ////////// var http = require('http');var httpServer = http.createServer(exp); httpServer.listen(8080, function () { console.log("Listening http on port: " + this.address().port); });
For the https server I pass in an option object with a SNICallback to return for each domain the correct SSL certificate (as we are serving more than 1 https server on the same IP/port)
/////////// // https // /////////// var secureOpts = { SNICallback: function (domain, cb) { if (typeof sites[domain] === "undefined") { cb(new Error("domain not found"), null); console.log("Error: domain not found: " + domain); } else { cb(null, sites[domain].context); } }, key: fs.readFileSync('ws.key').toString(), cert: fs.readFileSync('ws.crt').toString() }; var https = require('https');
var httpsServer = https.createServer(secureOpts, exp); httpsServer.listen(4433, function () { console.log("Listening https on port: " + + this.address().port); });
After 30 years of fiddling around with computers and electronic gadgets, with a professional career from computer science at the Brussels Free University, to a high tech spinoff, over a job in IT management in a large international corporation, towards my own internet development company, selling it after 15 years, taking a sabbatical and starting to teach computer science again (proving the world is really round), I needed a place where I could dump my thoughts and findings from time to time...
Thursday, April 14, 2016
node.js virtual hosts websites/apps on http and https
In this example I make 2 Express websites/apps (app1 & app2) and just give them some basic routing for "/".
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